An Introduction to data.table using sythetic lat/lon data

By Nicholas A. Potter

This is a short introduction to using data.table based on my work with climate data.

Initial setup

Let's begin by generating some data to work with. We'll use the following packages:

1# If you don't have the packages below, install with:
2#install.packages(c("data.table", "readr", "dplyr", "microbenchmark"))
5library(dplyr) # tidyverse data manipulation
6library(readr) # tidyverse reading in data
7library(microbenchmark) # for timing code to see which is faster

We will work with a grid of latitude and longitude points, and we'll generate some fake temperature and precip data:

 1# grid resolution
 2res <- 0.0416666666666667
 4# Grid extents
 5lats <- seq(  24.358333333333333,  52.909999999999997, by = res)
 6lons <- seq(-124.933333300000000, -66.016666633333330, by = res)
 8# Define a data.table
 9dt <- data.table(expand.grid(lat = lats, lon = lons))
11# default printing of data.tables is screen friendly:
14##              lat        lon
15##      1: 24.35833 -124.93333
16##      2: 24.40000 -124.93333
17##      3: 24.44167 -124.93333
18##      4: 24.48333 -124.93333
19##      5: 24.52500 -124.93333
20##     ---
21## 970686: 52.73333  -66.01667
22## 970687: 52.77500  -66.01667
23## 970688: 52.81667  -66.01667
24## 970689: 52.85833  -66.01667
25## 970690: 52.90000  -66.01667
27# Assume:
28# GDD is a function of latitude (Areas closer to the poles are less warm)
29# Precip is random
31# Equivalent to dplyr::mutate(gdd = ..., prec = ...)
32dt[, `:=`(
33  gdd = 3000 - 70*(lat-24) + rnorm(n = nrow(dt), sd = 100),
34  prec = pmax(0,rnorm(n = nrow(dt), mean = 12, sd = 3)))]
37##              lat        lon       gdd
38##      1: 24.35833 -124.93333 3056.2775
39##      2: 24.40000 -124.93333 3234.5665
40##      3: 24.44167 -124.93333 2920.4358
41##      4: 24.48333 -124.93333 2850.3544
42##      5: 24.52500 -124.93333 2980.4107
43##     ---
44## 970686: 52.73333  -66.01667 1069.3607
45## 970687: 52.77500  -66.01667  812.7283
46## 970688: 52.81667  -66.01667  920.2619
47## 970689: 52.85833  -66.01667 1137.4059
48## 970690: 52.90000  -66.01667  946.3984
49##             prec
50##      1: 10.66249
51##      2: 12.14676
52##      3: 10.33538
53##      4: 10.30929
54##      5: 14.82836
55##     ---
56## 970686: 12.03940
57## 970687: 13.76590
58## 970688: 11.02060
59## 970689: 11.92815
60## 970690: 17.25918
62# For comparison, a data.frame
63df <-

A good reference comparing data.table and dplyr:

If you're wedded to dplyr grammar and don't want to learn data.table, try dtplyr:

Why data.table?

When is data.table perhaps better than the tidyverse? I like and use both, so I don't hold with the idea that there is one that is better. Instead, there are specific reasons to use each. I use data.table when:

1. I need complex transformations on large data sets

As the number of rows increases, data.table becomes increasingly faster that a data.frame or tibble. This can turn a several day process into a day or less, which is huge when you inevitably end up rerunning things. By converting a script to use data.table, sp, and refactoring functions, I decreased the processing time for one year of climate data from four days to five hours. I had 90 years of data to process for a minimum of six different models...

For example, let's time a summary of gdd at a more coarse lat/lon grid:

 2  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat = round(lat, 2), lon = round(lon,2))],
 3  times = 10, unit = "ms")
 5## Unit: milliseconds
 6##                                                                             expr
 7##  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat = round(lat, 2), lon = round(lon,      2))]
 8##       min       lq     mean   median
 9##  263.4171 265.3146 302.2987 268.0365
10##        uq      max neval
11##  355.6186 364.7961    10
14  df %>%
15    #mutate(lat = round(lat, 2), lon = round(lon, 2)) %>%
16    group_by(lat = round(lat, 2), lon = round(lon, 2)) %>%
17    summarize(gdd = mean(gdd)),
18  times = 10, unit = "ms")
20## Unit: milliseconds
21##                                                                                           expr
22##  df %>% group_by(lat = round(lat, 2), lon = round(lon, 2)) %>%      summarize(gdd = mean(gdd))
23##       min       lq     mean   median
24##  2156.705 2544.885 2627.235 2661.827
25##        uq      max neval
26##  2745.505 2816.072    10

2. tidyverse grammar gets too long / complex

People will also say this is a negative, because other people can't read your code as easily. I'm not sure I agree. In my experience as a researcher, we don't collaboratively write code often. Your most common reader is going to be yourself in 3-6 months when you have to revisit something. So documenting and writing clear code is important, but data.table is clear, it's just a different language than the tidyverse. It is wonderfully succinct at times. For example, in dplyr you might write:

1# dplyr approach
2df %>%
3  mutate(lat = round(lat), lon = round(lon)) %>%
4  group_by(lat, lon) %>%
5  summarize(gdd = mean(gdd))
7# data.table
8dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat = round(lat), lon = round(lon))]

That doesn't seem like much for one transformation, but if the number of transformations is high either because you have multiple data files or multiple variables that all need a different transformation, the difference in code length is substantial. It's much easier to look at 20 lines of data.table transformations than it is to look at 50 lines of dplyr transformations to accomplish the same thing.

Using data.table

The grammar of data.table is DT[i,j, other], where i is a logical selector on rows, j is operations on columns, and other is additional arguments for grouping, which columns to perform operations on, etc...

I Operations (select rows)

# Select using the "i" argument
dt[lat % dplyr::filter(lat < 25)

##             lat        lon      gdd
##     1: 24.35833 -124.93333 3056.277
##     2: 24.40000 -124.93333 3234.566
##     3: 24.44167 -124.93333 2920.436
##     4: 24.48333 -124.93333 2850.354
##     5: 24.52500 -124.93333 2980.411
##    ---
## 22636: 24.81667  -66.01667 2902.917
## 22637: 24.85833  -66.01667 2901.789
## 22638: 24.90000  -66.01667 2822.173
## 22639: 24.94167  -66.01667 2830.030
## 22640: 24.98333  -66.01667 3019.428
##             prec
##     1: 10.662486
##     2: 12.146765
##     3: 10.335384
##     4: 10.309294
##     5: 14.828355
##    ---
## 22636: 11.866986
## 22637:  9.461943
## 22638: 12.930729
## 22639: 14.225363
## 22640: 12.048109

dt[lat  -67]

##           lat       lon      gdd      prec
##   1: 24.35833 -66.97500 2847.152 10.236523
##   2: 24.40000 -66.97500 2997.729 10.588268
##   3: 24.44167 -66.97500 2912.901 15.688600
##   4: 24.48333 -66.97500 2782.295 13.240460
##   5: 24.52500 -66.97500 3024.306 13.872522
##  ---
## 380: 24.81667 -66.01667 2902.917 11.866986
## 381: 24.85833 -66.01667 2901.789  9.461943
## 382: 24.90000 -66.01667 2822.173 12.930729
## 383: 24.94167 -66.01667 2830.030 14.225363
## 384: 24.98333 -66.01667 3019.428 12.048109

J Operations (operate on columns)

  1# Perform an operation on specific columns
  2dt[, .(
  3  lat = mean(lat),
  4  lon = mean(lon),
  5  gdd = mean(gdd))]
  7##         lat     lon     gdd
  8## 1: 38.62917 -95.475 1975.92
 10# Alternatively, for all columns or just specific ones:
 11dt[, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm = TRUE)] # equivalent to dplyr::transmute_all()
 13##         lat     lon     gdd     prec
 14## 1: 38.62917 -95.475 1975.92 11.99819
 16dt[, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm = TRUE), .SDcols = c("gdd", "prec")]
 18##        gdd     prec
 19## 1: 1975.92 11.99819
 21# A more complicated function
 22# center GDD by removing the mean
 23dt[, .(lat, lon, d_gdd = gdd - mean(gdd))]
 25##              lat        lon      d_gdd
 26##      1: 24.35833 -124.93333  1080.3575
 27##      2: 24.40000 -124.93333  1258.6465
 28##      3: 24.44167 -124.93333   944.5158
 29##      4: 24.48333 -124.93333   874.4344
 30##      5: 24.52500 -124.93333  1004.4908
 31##     ---
 32## 970686: 52.73333  -66.01667  -906.5593
 33## 970687: 52.77500  -66.01667 -1163.1916
 34## 970688: 52.81667  -66.01667 -1055.6581
 35## 970689: 52.85833  -66.01667  -838.5141
 36## 970690: 52.90000  -66.01667 -1029.5216
 38# Perform operations on the same data set
 39dt[, gd_gdd := gdd - mean(gdd)] # equivalent to dplyr::mutate()
 41# For multiple variables at once:
 42dt[, `:=`(gd_gdd = gdd - mean(gdd),
 43          gd_prec = prec - mean(prec))]
 46##              lat        lon       gdd
 47##      1: 24.35833 -124.93333 3056.2775
 48##      2: 24.40000 -124.93333 3234.5665
 49##      3: 24.44167 -124.93333 2920.4358
 50##      4: 24.48333 -124.93333 2850.3544
 51##      5: 24.52500 -124.93333 2980.4107
 52##     ---
 53## 970686: 52.73333  -66.01667 1069.3607
 54## 970687: 52.77500  -66.01667  812.7283
 55## 970688: 52.81667  -66.01667  920.2619
 56## 970689: 52.85833  -66.01667 1137.4059
 57## 970690: 52.90000  -66.01667  946.3984
 58##             prec     gd_gdd     gd_prec
 59##      1: 10.66249  1080.3575 -1.33570660
 60##      2: 12.14676  1258.6465  0.14857212
 61##      3: 10.33538   944.5158 -1.66280901
 62##      4: 10.30929   874.4344 -1.68889873
 63##      5: 14.82836  1004.4908  2.83016281
 64##     ---
 65## 970686: 12.03940  -906.5593  0.04120797
 66## 970687: 13.76590 -1163.1916  1.76771001
 67## 970688: 11.02060 -1055.6581 -0.97759204
 68## 970689: 11.92815  -838.5141 -0.07004544
 69## 970690: 17.25918 -1029.5216  5.26098430
 71# Or equivalently
 72dt[, c("gd_gdd", "gd_prec") := .(gdd - mean(gdd), prec - mean(prec))]
 74# Group transformations
 75dt[, `:=`(lat0 = round(lat), lon0 = round(lon))]
 76dt[, `:=`(gd_gdd = gdd - mean(gdd),
 77          gd_prec = prec - mean(prec)),
 78   by = .(lat0, lon0)]
 81##              lat        lon       gdd
 82##      1: 24.35833 -124.93333 3056.2775
 83##      2: 24.40000 -124.93333 3234.5665
 84##      3: 24.44167 -124.93333 2920.4358
 85##      4: 24.48333 -124.93333 2850.3544
 86##      5: 24.52500 -124.93333 2980.4107
 87##     ---
 88## 970686: 52.73333  -66.01667 1069.3607
 89## 970687: 52.77500  -66.01667  812.7283
 90## 970688: 52.81667  -66.01667  920.2619
 91## 970689: 52.85833  -66.01667 1137.4059
 92## 970690: 52.90000  -66.01667  946.3984
 93##             prec     gd_gdd    gd_prec lat0
 94##      1: 10.66249   95.14628 -1.2601424   24
 95##      2: 12.14676  273.43529  0.2241363   24
 96##      3: 10.33538  -40.69542 -1.5872448   24
 97##      4: 10.30929 -110.77682 -1.6133345   24
 98##      5: 14.82836   45.97717  3.0862385   25
 99##     ---
100## 970686: 12.03940   62.21880  0.2354413   53
101## 970687: 13.76590 -194.41356  1.9619434   53
102## 970688: 11.02060  -86.87996 -0.7833587   53
103## 970689: 11.92815  130.26402  0.1241879   53
104## 970690: 17.25918  -60.74347  5.4552177   53
105##         lon0
106##      1: -125
107##      2: -125
108##      3: -125
109##      4: -125
110##      5: -125
111##     ---
112## 970686:  -66
113## 970687:  -66
114## 970688:  -66
115## 970689:  -66
116## 970690:  -66
118# Removing variables
119dt[, `:=`(gd_gdd = NULL, gd_prec = NULL)] # dplyr::select(-gd_gdd, -gd_prec)

Other Operations (keys, indices, merges, and renaming)

 1# Create some 2-digit lat/lon groups
 2dt[, `:=`(lat2 = round(lat,2), lon2 = round(lon,2))]
 4# No keys is okay, but operations are slower
 5key(dt) # No key set
 7## NULL
10  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat2, lon2)],
11  times = 10, unit = "ms")
13## Unit: milliseconds
14##                                          expr
15##  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat2, lon2)]
16##       min       lq     mean   median
17##  155.8982 289.4522 323.1314 303.3228
18##       uq     max neval
19##  310.706 530.188    10
21# Set keys that you are grouping by is faster
22setkey(dt, lat2, lon2)
23setkeyv(dt, c("lat2", "lon2")) #Equivalent - useful for quoted vars in functions
24key(dt) # Now with lat2, lon2
26## [1] "lat2" "lon2"
29  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat2, lon2)],
30  times = 10, unit = "ms")
32## Unit: milliseconds
33##                                          expr
34##  dt[, .(gdd = mean(gdd)), by = .(lat2, lon2)]
35##      min      lq     mean  median      uq
36##  44.2884 46.3645 66.44499 69.0569 79.6183
37##     max neval
38##  96.594    10

In Functions (or for loops)

 1#' Center variables of a data.table.
 2#' @param d a data.table.
 3#' @param vars a list of quoted column names to center.
 4#' @param byvar a list of quoted column names by which to center.
 5#' @param na.rm exclude NA?
 6#' @return a data.table with centered variables.
 7center_dt <- function(d, vars, byvars, na.rm = TRUE) {
 8  setkeyv(d, byvars)
 9  d[, lapply(.SD, function(x) { x - mean(x, na.rm = na.rm) }),
10    by = byvars, .SDcols = vars]
12dt[, `:=`(lat0 = round(lat), lon0 = round(lon))]
13center_dt(dt, vars = c("gdd", "prec"), byvars = c("lat0", "lon0"))
15##         lat0 lon0         gdd       prec
16##      1:   24 -125   95.146283 -1.2601424
17##      2:   24 -125  -45.366808  0.7401815
18##      3:   24 -125  -59.763709 -1.5278002
19##      4:   24 -125    4.492488 -6.7632807
20##      5:   24 -125   36.774394  1.3920487
21##     ---
22## 970686:   53  -66  -72.051125  2.6577200
23## 970687:   53  -66   75.705411  5.4217230
24## 970688:   53  -66  -57.443669  1.3007194
25## 970689:   53  -66 -145.215167  1.6826111
26## 970690:   53  -66  -60.743466  5.4552177
28# Alternatively, specify just the transformation as a function
29center <- function(x) { x - mean(x) }
30dt[, lapply(.SD, function(x){ center(x) }),
31   by = c("lat0", "lon0"), .SDcols = c("gdd", "prec")]
33##         lat0 lon0         gdd       prec
34##      1:   24 -125   95.146283 -1.2601424
35##      2:   24 -125  -45.366808  0.7401815
36##      3:   24 -125  -59.763709 -1.5278002
37##      4:   24 -125    4.492488 -6.7632807
38##      5:   24 -125   36.774394  1.3920487
39##     ---
40## 970686:   53  -66  -72.051125  2.6577200
41## 970687:   53  -66   75.705411  5.4217230
42## 970688:   53  -66  -57.443669  1.3007194
43## 970689:   53  -66 -145.215167  1.6826111
44## 970690:   53  -66  -60.743466  5.4552177

Reading and writing data

data.table provides fread and fwrite to quickly read and write data.

fread() also takes a URL if you want to directly read data from http.

 1microbenchmark(fwrite(dt, file = "dt.csv"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
 3## Unit: milliseconds
 4##                         expr      min
 5##  fwrite(dt, file = "dt.csv") 682.1413
 6##        lq     mean   median       uq
 7##  682.1413 682.1413 682.1413 682.1413
 8##       max neval
 9##  682.1413     1
11microbenchmark(write_csv(dt, path = "dt.csv"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
13## Unit: milliseconds
14##                            expr      min
15##  write_csv(dt, path = "dt.csv") 3856.494
16##        lq     mean   median       uq
17##  3856.494 3856.494 3856.494 3856.494
18##       max neval
19##  3856.494     1
21microbenchmark(saveRDS(dt, file = "dt.rds"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
23## Unit: milliseconds
24##                          expr      min
25##  saveRDS(dt, file = "dt.rds") 4002.413
26##        lq     mean   median       uq
27##  4002.413 4002.413 4002.413 4002.413
28##       max neval
29##  4002.413     1
31microbenchmark(fread("dt.csv"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
33## Unit: milliseconds
34##             expr      min       lq     mean
35##  fread("dt.csv") 298.4178 298.4178 298.4178
36##    median       uq      max neval
37##  298.4178 298.4178 298.4178     1
39microbenchmark(read_csv("dt.csv"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
41## Unit: milliseconds
42##                expr      min       lq
43##  read_csv("dt.csv") 2899.474 2899.474
44##      mean   median       uq      max neval
45##  2899.474 2899.474 2899.474 2899.474     1
47microbenchmark(readRDS("dt.rds"), times = 1, unit = "ms")
49## Unit: milliseconds
50##               expr      min       lq
51##  readRDS("dt.rds") 529.9389 529.9389
52##      mean   median       uq      max neval
53##  529.9389 529.9389 529.9389 529.9389     1